
Oscar-Nominated Filmmaker David Bradbury Deported From India After “Inhumane” Detention

David Bradbury: Oscar-nominated Australian filmmaker David Bradbury faced a tumultuous experience in India when he was detained and subsequently deported after filming in the Singrauli coal mining region.

Bradbury, known for his hard-hitting documentaries on human rights and environmental issues, had traveled to India to document the impacts of coal mining on local communities. However, his visit took a drastic turn when he was detained for 24 hours and later deported by Indian authorities.

David Bradbury, According to Bradbury, the detention conditions were “inhumane.” He claimed that during the 24 hours, he was denied basic human rights, including access to a toilet, which heightened the tension of the situation. Bradbury described his treatment as harsh and undignified, particularly considering his advanced age.

Oscar-Nominated Filmmaker David Bradbury Deported From India

David Bradbury

The filmmaker was working on a project focused on coal mining, an industry notorious for its environmental destruction and adverse effects on indigenous communities. While the specifics of what led to his detention are still unclear, Bradbury believes that his work exposing the impact of coal mining in India may have made him a target. He has since expressed his outrage and stated that he plans to file an official complaint against Indian authorities regarding his treatment during detention.

David Bradbury, Bradbury has built a long career creating films that shine a light on global injustices, earning him two Academy Award nominations. His experience in India has sparked discussions about freedom of speech, environmental activism, and the challenges filmmakers face when covering controversial topics in foreign countries.

This incident also raises broader questions about India’s policies on international journalists and filmmakers, especially those documenting sensitive issues like industrial pollution and human rights abuses. Bradbury’s deportation serves as a reminder of the risks faced by filmmakers and activists who challenge powerful interests around the world.

David Bradbury, As of now, Bradbury remains committed to his mission of revealing the human cost of coal mining and environmental degradation. He has also expressed his intention to continue documenting the global climate crisis, despite the obstacles he faces.

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